Grammar Rules




















grammar_and -->






|     non_terminal

|     terminal

|     ['!']

|     ['('],grammar_body,[')']

|     ['{'],prolog_body,['}'].



      -a Prolog callable term -.




|     ['['],terminals,[']'].


terminals -->















The wrong way to translate grammar rules into Prolog


The obvious translation of grammar rules into Prolog is the one used in the Clocksin & Mellish book (2nd edition), but there is a mistake that must be corrected. See the following grammar rule, and how it is translated in Clocksin and Mellish.


Grammar 1 for relative clauses (p. 289):


rel_clause(X,P1,P1andP2) -->




rel_clause(_,P,P) -->



Translation by Clocksin and Mellish:








But we have a problem with this kind of translation, for instance, when we need to use a cut:



Grammar 2 for relative clauses (pages 289-290):


 rel_phrase(X,P1,P1&P2) -->






 rel_phrase(X, P1, P1&P2) -->





 rel_phrase(_,P,P) -->



Translation into Prolog by Clocksin and Mellish


















phrase(P,L) is true iff list L can be parsed as a phrase of type P.


Calling phrase(P,L) is very like calling P(L,[]), except that the first argument of phrase/2 can be ANY term which would be accepted as a grammar rule body.



Some Examples


We can use grammar rules to define a version of append/3 except that the arguments will be the other way around.


%Program literal//1 (page 292):



literal([X|Xs])-->[X], literal(Xs).


We read this, as a grammar, as


·         the segment between S0 and S can be parsed as a phrase of type literal ([]) if there is nothing ([]) between S0 and S.



·         the segment between S0 and S can be parsed as a phrase of type literal([X|Xs]) if there is an S1 such that there is an X between S0 and S1 and the segment between S1 and S can be parsed as a phrase of type literal(Xs).



Trace of literal//1 (page 292).



[trace] 16 ?- literal([2,4,5],[2,4,5,6,7],[6,7]).

   Call: (6) literal([2, 4, 5], [2, 4, 5, 6, 7], [6, 7]) ? creep

   Call: (7) 'C'([2, 4, 5, 6, 7], 2, _G640) ? creep

   Exit: (7) 'C'([2, 4, 5, 6, 7], 2, [4, 5, 6, 7]) ? creep

   Call: (7) literal([4, 5], [4, 5, 6, 7], [6, 7]) ? creep

   Call: (8) 'C'([4, 5, 6, 7], 4, _G640) ? creep

   Exit: (8) 'C'([4, 5, 6, 7], 4, [5, 6, 7]) ? creep

   Call: (8) literal([5], [5, 6, 7], [6, 7]) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'([5, 6, 7], 5, _G640) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([5, 6, 7], 5, [6, 7]) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal([], [6, 7], [6, 7]) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([], [6, 7], [6, 7]) ? creep

   Exit: (8) literal([5], [5, 6, 7], [6, 7]) ? creep

   Exit: (7) literal([4, 5], [4, 5, 6, 7], [6, 7]) ? creep

   Exit: (6) literal([2, 4, 5], [2, 4, 5, 6, 7], [6, 7]) ? creep


[debug] 17 ?-


%Program date//3 (page293):



  literal(DayCs), "/", literal(MonthCs), "/", literal(YearCs).


This is logically equivalent to:







Trace of date/3 (page 293):


[trace] 3 ?- phrase(date("87","11","17"),Result).

   Call: (8) date([56, 55], [49, 49], [49, 55], _G557, []) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal([49, 55], _G557, _G640) ? creep

   Call: (10) 'C'(_G557, 49, _G643) ? creep

   Exit: (10) 'C'([49|_G635], 49, _G635) ? creep

   Call: (10) literal([55], _G635, _G643) ? creep

   Call: (11) 'C'(_G635, 55, _G646) ? creep

   Exit: (11) 'C'([55|_G638], 55, _G638) ? creep

   Call: (11) literal([], _G638, _G646) ? creep

   Exit: (11) literal([], _G638, _G638) ? creep

   Exit: (10) literal([55], [55|_G638], _G638) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([49, 55], [49, 55|_G638], _G638) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'(_G638, 47, _G649) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([47|_G641], 47, _G641) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal([49, 49], _G641, _G649) ? creep

   Call: (10) 'C'(_G641, 49, _G652) ? creep

   Exit: (10) 'C'([49|_G644], 49, _G644) ? creep

   Call: (10) literal([49], _G644, _G652) ? creep

   Call: (11) 'C'(_G644, 49, _G655) ? creep

   Exit: (11) 'C'([49|_G647], 49, _G647) ? creep

   Call: (11) literal([], _G647, _G655) ? creep

   Exit: (11) literal([], _G647, _G647) ? creep

   Exit: (10) literal([49], [49|_G647], _G647) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([49, 49], [49, 49|_G647], _G647) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'(_G647, 47, _G658) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([47|_G650], 47, _G650) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal([56, 55], _G650, []) ? creep

   Call: (10) 'C'(_G650, 56, _G661) ? creep

   Exit: (10) 'C'([56|_G653], 56, _G653) ? creep

   Call: (10) literal([55], _G653, []) ? creep

   Call: (11) 'C'(_G653, 55, _G664) ? creep

   Exit: (11) 'C'([55|_G656], 55, _G656) ? creep

   Call: (11) literal([], _G656, []) ? creep

   Exit: (11) literal([], [], []) ? creep

   Exit: (10) literal([55], [55], []) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([56, 55], [56, 55], []) ? creep

   Exit: (8) date([56, 55], [49, 49], [49, 55], [49, 55, 47, 49, 49, 47, 56, 55]

, []) ? creep


Result = [49, 55, 47, 49, 49, 47, 56, 55]



Flattening a Tree












| ?- labels(node(a,empty,node(b,empty,node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty)))),X).

        1      1 Call: labels(node(a,empty,node(b,empty,node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty)))),_367) ?

        2      2 Call: labels(node(a,empty,node(b,empty,node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty)))),_367,[]) ?

        3      3 Call: labels(empty,_367,_1304) ?

        4      4 Call: _1304=_367 ?

        4      4 Exit: _367=_367 ?

        3      3 Exit: labels(empty,_367,_367) ?

        5      3 Call: 'C'(_367,a,_1297) ?

        5      3 Exit: 'C'([a|_1297],a,_1297) ?

        6      3 Call: labels(node(b,empty,node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty))),_1297,[]) ?

        7      4 Call: labels(empty,_1297,_3805) ?

        8      5 Call: _3805=_1297 ?

        8      5 Exit: _1297=_1297 ?

        7      4 Exit: labels(empty,_1297,_1297) ?

        9      4 Call: 'C'(_1297,b,_3798) ?

        9      4 Exit: 'C'([b|_3798],b,_3798) ?

       10      4 Call: labels(node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty)),_3798,[]) ?

       11      5 Call: labels(empty,_3798,_6300) ?

       12      6 Call: _6300=_3798 ?

       12      6 Exit: _3798=_3798 ?

       11      5 Exit: labels(empty,_3798,_3798) ?

       13      5 Call: 'C'(_3798,c,_6293) ?

       13      5 Exit: 'C'([c|_6293],c,_6293) ?

       14      5 Call: labels(node(d,empty,empty),_6293,[]) ?

       15      6 Call: labels(empty,_6293,_8789) ?

       16      7 Call: _8789=_6293 ?

       16      7 Exit: _6293=_6293 ?

       15      6 Exit: labels(empty,_6293,_6293) ?

       17      6 Call: 'C'(_6293,d,_8782) ?

       17      6 Exit: 'C'([d|_8782],d,_8782) ?

       18      6 Call: labels(empty,_8782,[]) ?

       19      7 Call: []=_8782 ?

       19      7 Exit: []=[] ?

       18      6 Exit: labels(empty,[],[]) ?

       14      5 Exit: labels(node(d,empty,empty),[d],[]) ?

       10      4 Exit: labels(node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty)),[c,d],[]) ?

        6      3 Exit: labels(node(b,empty,node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty))),[b,c,d],[]) ?

        2      2 Exit: labels(node(a,empty,node(b,empty,node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty)))),[a,b,c,d],[]) ?

        1      1 Exit: labels(node(a,empty,node(b,empty,node(c,empty,node(d,empty,empty)))),[a,b,c,d]) ?


X = [a,b,c,d] ?






Replacing one Sublist by Another


Program replace/4 (page 294):












[trace] 7 ?- replace([a,b],[c,d],[x,a,b,s],[x,c,d,s]).

   Call: (6) replace([a, b], [c, d], [x, a, b, s], [x, c, d, s]) ?creep

   Call: (7) divide3(_G679, [a, b], _G681, [x, a, b, s], []) ? creep

   Call: (8) literal(_G679, [x, a, b, s], _G681) ? creep

   Exit: (8) literal([], [x, a, b, s], [x, a, b, s]) ? creep

   Call: (8) literal([a, b], [x, a, b, s], _G681) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'([x, a, b, s], a, _G684) ? creep

   Fail: (9) 'C'([x, a, b, s], a, _G684) ? creep

   Fail: (8) literal([a, b], [x, a, b, s], _G681) ? creep

   Redo: (8) literal(_G679, [x, a, b, s], _G681) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'([x, a, b, s], _G675, _G687) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([x, a, b, s], x, [a, b, s]) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal(_G676, [a, b, s], _G684) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([], [a, b, s], [a, b, s]) ? creep

   Exit: (8) literal([x], [x, a, b, s], [a, b, s]) ? creep

   Call: (8) literal([a, b], [a, b, s], _G684) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'([a, b, s], a, _G687) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([a, b, s], a, [b, s]) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal([b], [b, s], _G684) ? creep

   Call: (10) 'C'([b, s], b, _G687) ? creep

   Exit: (10) 'C'([b, s], b, [s]) ? creep

   Call: (10) literal([], [s], _G684) ? creep

   Exit: (10) literal([], [s], [s]) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([b], [b, s], [s]) ? creep

   Exit: (8) literal([a, b], [a, b, s], [s]) ? creep

   Call: (8) literal(_G682, [s], []) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'([s], _G678, _G690) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([s], s, []) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal(_G679, [], []) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([], [], []) ? creep

   Exit: (8) literal([s], [s], []) ? creep

   Exit: (7) divide3([x], [a, b], [s], [x, a, b, s], []) ? creep

   Call: (7) divide3([x], [c, d], [s], [x, c, d, s], []) ? creep

   Call: (8) literal([x], [x, c, d, s], _G687) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'([x, c, d, s], x, _G690) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([x, c, d, s], x, [c, d, s]) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal([], [c, d, s], _G687) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([], [c, d, s], [c, d, s]) ? creep

   Exit: (8) literal([x], [x, c, d, s], [c, d, s]) ? creep

   Call: (8) literal([c, d], [c, d, s], _G687) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'([c, d, s], c, _G690) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([c, d, s], c, [d, s]) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal([d], [d, s], _G687) ? creep

   Call: (10) 'C'([d, s], d, _G690) ? creep

   Exit: (10) 'C'([d, s], d, [s]) ? creep

   Call: (10) literal([], [s], _G687) ? creep

   Exit: (10) literal([], [s], [s]) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([d], [d, s], [s]) ? creep

   Exit: (8) literal([c, d], [c, d, s], [s]) ? creep

   Call: (8) literal([s], [s], []) ? creep

   Call: (9) 'C'([s], s, _G690) ? creep

   Exit: (9) 'C'([s], s, []) ? creep

   Call: (9) literal([], [], []) ? creep

   Exit: (9) literal([], [], []) ? creep

   Exit: (8) literal([s], [s], []) ? creep

   Exit: (7) divide3([x], [c, d], [s], [x, c, d, s], []) ? creep

   Exit: (6) replace([a, b], [c, d], [x, a, b, s], [x, c, d, s]) ? creep







Finding a Pattern in a String










      [_],%skip a character

      {Index1 is Index0+1},






| ?- index("ab","cdabtre",V).

        1      1 Call: index([97,98],[99,100,97,98,116,114,101],_233) ?

        2      2 Call: index([97,98],0,_233,[99,100,97,98,116,114,101],_688) ?

        3      3 Call: phrase(user:[97,98],[99,100,97,98,116,114,101],_688) ?

        4      4 Call: 'C'([99,100,97,98,116,114,101],97,_1459) ?

        4      4 Fail: 'C'([99,100,97,98,116,114,101],97,_1459) ?

        3      3 Fail: phrase(user:[97,98],[99,100,97,98,116,114,101],_688) ?

        5      3 Call: 'C'([99,100,97,98,116,114,101],_1074,_1075) ?

        5      3 Exit: 'C'([99,100,97,98,116,114,101],99,[100,97,98,116,114,101]) ?

        6      3 Call: _1067 is 0+1 ?

        6      3 Exit: 1 is 0+1 ?

        7      3 Call: index([97,98],1,_233,[100,97,98,116,114,101],_688) ?

        8      4 Call: phrase(user:[97,98],[100,97,98,116,114,101],_688) ?

        9      5 Call: 'C'([100,97,98,116,114,101],97,_3311) ?

        9      5 Fail: 'C'([100,97,98,116,114,101],97,_3311) ?

        8      4 Fail: phrase(user:[97,98],[100,97,98,116,114,101],_688) ?

       10      4 Call: 'C'([100,97,98,116,114,101],_2927,_2928) ?

       10      4 Exit: 'C'([100,97,98,116,114,101],100,[97,98,116,114,101]) ?

       11      4 Call: _2920 is 1+1 ?

       11      4 Exit: 2 is 1+1 ?

       12      4 Call: index([97,98],2,_233,[97,98,116,114,101],_688) ?

       13      5 Call: phrase(user:[97,98],[97,98,116,114,101],_688) ?

       14      6 Call: 'C'([97,98,116,114,101],97,_5159) ?

       14      6 Exit: 'C'([97,98,116,114,101],97,[98,116,114,101]) ?

       15      6 Call: 'C'([98,116,114,101],98,_688) ?

       15      6 Exit: 'C'([98,116,114,101],98,[116,114,101]) ?

       13      5 Exit: phrase(user:[97,98],[97,98,116,114,101],[116,114,101]) ?

?      12      4 Exit: index([97,98],2,2,[97,98,116,114,101],[116,114,101]) ?

?       7      3 Exit: index([97,98],1,2,[100,97,98,116,114,101],[116,114,101]) ?

?       2      2 Exit: index([97,98],0,2,[99,100,97,98,116,114,101],[116,114,101]) ?

?       1      1 Exit: index([97,98],[99,100,97,98,116,114,101],2) ?


V = 2 ?








Perspective on a Problem




Suppose we have the following grammar:


command(delete(File))   --> [rm],file(File).

command(copy(From,To))  --> [cp],file(From),file(To).

command(print(File))    --> [lpr],file(File).





or equivalently,









command(rm,delete(File)) -->file(File).

command(cp,copy(From,To)) -->file(From),file(To).

command(lpr(print(File))  -->file(File).






Program list//1 (page 298-299):



1) First version:



  sexpr(A) --> [number(A)].

  sexpr(A) --> [atom(A)].

  sexpr(A) --> ['('],list(A).


  list([]) --> [')'].

  list(A) --> ['.'], sexpr(A), [')'].

  list([X|Xs]) --> sexpr(X), list(Xs).



2) Second version:



  look_ahead(Token),[Token] --> [Token].


  list(Xs) --> look_ahead(Token), list(Token,Xs).


  list(')',         [])      --> [')'].

  list('.',         A)       --> ['.'], sexpr(A), [')'].

  list(number(_),   [X|Xs])  --> sexpr(X), list(Xs).

  list(atom(_),     [X|Xs])  --> sexpr(X), list(Xs).

  list('(',         [X|Xs])  --> sexpr(X), list(Xs).