Clippers: A computational linguistics discussion group (Meurers, 795Y, Autumn 2001)

Clippers is intended to be a forum for informal discussion of issues related to computational linguistics: from work in progress of people in the department, over presentation of new papers, to practical concerns such as hints on the use of CL related software tools. We also hope to hear reports on conferences and workshops people have attended or on CL related internships and other relevant things you are doing.

Everyone with an interest in computational linguistics is most welcome!

Where and when: Tuesdays at 1730 in 309 Oxley Hall.

The plan is to start each session with comments/brainstorming/questions/... and then continue with the following topics:

Also to appear:

General Clippers (795Y) page

For questions or comments regarding this page, please contact: Detmar Meurers
Last modified: Fri Oct 8 12:33:53 EDT 2004