Detmar Meurers: Constraint-based processing and advanced parsing techniques (795K, Spring 2001)
Course description
Much of the work on the symbolic side of natural language processing
is based on constraint-based linguistic architectures such as HPSG or
LFG. The approaches range from grammar implementations vaguely
inspired by constraint-based linguistic theorizing to attempts at
establishing a formal and computational link between the linguistic
theories and their computational realization. The research therefore
addresses issues from advanced parsing strategies and efficient data
structures to the representation and processing with particular
linguistic mechanisms such as universal principles or lexical rules.
The seminar will start out with an in-depth introduction to the topic
of HPSG-based processing before moving to specific issues such as:
- indexing and filtering in advanced parsing systems
- finite state pre-processors and other hybrid architectures
- advanced data structures and their efficient representation
(named/distributed disjunctions, efficient feature structure encodings)
- lexical generalizations and their computational treatment
- parsing with linearization domains larger than the local tree
as e.g. found in linearization-based HPSG
- grammar compilation techniques (constraint propagation,
magic transformation)
Which of these issues we address in the seminar depends on the
interest of the seminar participants, who after the introduction are
expected to take an active role in the seminar. This includes reading
the papers to be discussed as well as leading the discussion of one or
two of the papers. For full credit, each student is required to write
a research paper on a topic related to the course content.
General information
Class time and location (NOTE THE CHANGED DAY/TIME AND LOCATION!):
Tuesdays 15:30 - 17:18, 211 B & Z
Thursdays 10:30 - 12:18, 300 Enarson Hall
Detmar's office hours and office location:
- Tuesday's 14-15, or by appointment
- 201a Oxley Hall, Tel.: 292-0461
- Email:
Course prerequisites:
602.01, 680, and 684.01 or permission of instructor (other background
on syntactic processing)
Successful course participation requires:
Regular attendance and active participation in class (20%),
presentation of a topic in class (30%) and research paper (50%).
Course number: 18465-1
Number of credits: 5
For questions or comments regarding this page, please contact: Detmar Meurers
Last modified: Thu May 3 09:12:23 EDT 2001