Detmar Meurers: Constraint-based Grammar
Implementation (795K)
Autumn 2002, 11787-9, Tue & Thu, 10:30-12:48, 029 Derby Hall and Oxley Solarium
I. Course documents (generally in pdf format):
- Syllabus
- Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: An
Introduction as Background for Grammar Implementation
- Implementing HPSG Grammars
- From specification to grammar implementation: An example fragment
- Some other tiny or small example grammars
II. Course description
Constraint-based linguistic frameworks such as Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar make it possible to be explicit about the data
structures and theories one proposes. It thereby also becomes feasible
to develop these theories into grammar fragments, and several
computational systems have been developed to support the
implementation of such grammars, which generally focus on syntactic
and semantic aspects.
From the linguistic perspective, the development of grammar fragments
can be an important means of obtaining feedback on the empirical
consequences of a linguistic theory and the compatibility of the
various theories which are integrated in the grammar fragment. I would
argue that one can go one step further by stating that comprehensive
grammar fragments integrating the state-of-the-art of syntactic
theorizing are essential for reestablishing the credibility of
generative syntax as a science with a measurable criterion for
From the computational perspective, in contrast to the heydays of
deep, theory-driven syntactic analysis (where it was viewed as the
only viable way to approach natural language) it is now generally
recognized that the variety of language processing tasks can and
probably should use a variety of approaches, which differ with respect
to the kind of linguistic insight they incorporate. While this raises
the question what kind of syntactic and semantic representations are
needed for what kind of computational task, it seems clear that there
is a need at least for syntactic dependency and high-level semantic
and discourse representations.
This Seminar
This seminar is intended to gives students the possibility to get
hands-on experience with a complex grammar implementation
project. Different from previous seminars I've held, the focus of this
seminar is not the theory behind grammar implementation systems, but
the grammar implementation effort itself. As implementation
environment, the seminar will use the TRALE system, developed as part
of the Milca cooperation by Gerald Penn in Toronto together with us at
OSU and the CL group in Tübingen.
Participating students are expected to independently develop a grammar
implementation project, from exploring the theoretical linguistic
basis to implementing increasingly complex fragments, testing and
documenting them. This will require each enrolled student to invest at
least 4 hours per week to work on the individual projects, in addition
to the 4 hours of class time. Failure to do so will result in failing
the seminar. On the other hand, the seminar is entirely project driven
so that there are no other homeworks or seminar papers.
One of the two weekly seminar sessions will consist of taking turns in
presenting and discussing the general issues arising in each of the
projects such as defining an appropriate signature, lexical
specifications, licensing phrases, defining grammatical principles, as
well as discussions of practical implementation issues and those
arising from the syntactic theories to be implemented. The second
weekly meeting is a practical session used to advance the work on each
project and discuss issues on an individual basis.
Based on input from potential participants, here are some potential
grammar implementation projects that might be tackled:
- A grammar for detecting mistakes of a learner of Spanish
- Continuing work on the Milca adaption of the English Resource Grammar
of the Lingo Project at CSLI
- A German fragment using linearization domains
- Ginzburg & Sag
- Sag & Wasow
To accommodate those students who did not yet have a chance to take
the Introduction to HPSG, the seminar will initially be split into two
groups. The introductory group will explore the HPSG data structure
and description language (supported by the MorphMoulder teaching
material and software also developed as part of Milca) before taking
on a smaller grammar implementation task (e.g. Pollard & Sag 1994).
Preparation to be done before seminar starts
In preparation for this seminar, participants should (re-)read
Chapters 1, 3 and 9 of Pollard & Sag (1994) as well as my paper "On Implementing
an HPSG theory - Aspects of the logical architecture, the
formalization and the implementation of head-driven phrase structure
grammars". Note: To run the grammar that comes with the paper,
use the ALE system at /home/projects/milca/systems/ale/3.2.1/
Last modified: Tue Nov 5 22:52:35 EST 2002
- For questions or comments regarding this page, please contact: Detmar Meurers