- When: Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:00 - 12:48
- Where: 200 Enarson Hall
- Call number: 11390-7
Structure of seminar and expectations
This is a research seminar, i.e., each participant is expected to take
an active role as a researcher. More concretely, each participant is
expected to
a) explore and present one of the topics:
research the topic, starting from provided references
- present topic to class using overheads which are discussed
with me during the office hours the week before
- prepare and discuss a practical exercise for all
participants; for example: exploring the use of a particular
tool or corpus, searching particular phenomena, finding
tagging errors, ...
- b) actively participate in the class discussion, the
practical exercises, and the reading assignments
- c) prepare a short (10 page) term paper using LaTeX which either
motivates and describes a theoretically relevant
linguistic pattern, how it can be searched for, and what
conclusions can be drawn from the findings, or
- describes own computational work creating or improving
annotations, or
- deals with another course related topic we can agree on
The finished paper has to be turned in as a ps or pdf file via
email by July 15 (graduating seniors: June 3). There will be no
extensions after this date.
Syntax I+II (602.01/02), CL II (684.02), and basic unix knowledge or
permission by instructor.
For questions or comments regarding this page, please contact: Detmar Meurers
Last modified: Mon Feb 25 12:48:49 EST 2002