Clippers: A computational linguistics discussion group (Meurers, 795Y, Winter 2004)

Clippers is our forum for informal discussion of all issues related to computational linguistics: from work in progress of visitors and people in the department, over presentation of new papers, to practical concerns such as hints on the use of CL related software tools.

Everyone with an interest in computational linguistics is most welcome!

To see what happened in previous quarters of Clippers, you can check out the pages of some previous quarters: Autumn 03, Spring 03, Winter 03, Autumn 02, Spring 02, Autumn 01

When and where:Tuesdays at 1730-1900 in Enarson 200.

The plan, as usual, is to start each session with 5-10 minutes on whatever someone wants to bring up and then to continue with the following topics:

  1. Tue, 6. Jan.: Organization
  2. Tue, 13. Jan.: Eric Fosler-Lussier on his past and current work
  3. Tue, 20. Jan.: Anton Rytting: An Approach to Greek Word Segmentation Using Minimal Information
  4. Tue, 27. Jan.: Jean Godby (Project manager, Automatic Classification Project, OCLC): Automatic text categorization using library subject schemes
  5. Tue, 3. Feb.: Donna Byron:
  6. Tue, 10. Feb.: Detmar Meurers: Modularity of grammatical constraints in HPSG-based grammar implementations
  7. Tue, 17. Feb.: Valentine Matula (Director, Multimedia Research Department, Avaya Labs, Avaya, Inc.): Natural Language Processing in Modern Contact/Call Centers
  8. Tue, 24. Feb.: Chris Brew: A corpus-based model of lexical access
  9. Tue, 2. Mar.: Ted Han: Finite State Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition: the AT&T finite state toolkit.
  10. Tue, 9. Mar.:

Last modified: Tue Mar 9 14:42:59 EDT 2004 - For questions or comments regarding this page, please contact: Detmar Meurers