On-line Proceedings of the Workshop on
Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation
August 14 - 18, 2000
A workshop held as part of the
Twelfth European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
August 6-18, 2000, Birmingham, Great Britain
Organizers: Erhard Hinrichs, Detmar Meurers,
Shuly Wintner
Table of contents
.ps 15 KB /
.ps.gz 7 KB )
Invited talk by Martin Kay
- Martin Kay (Xerox PARC):
Taking underspecification seriously
(abstract: .html /
.ps 12 KB /
.ps.gz 5 KB )
Grammars and grammar implementation platforms
- Tracy Holloway King (Xerox PARC), Stefanie Dipper (IMS Stuttgart), Annette Frank (Xerox Europe), Jonas Kuhn (IMS Stuttgart),
John Maxwell (Xerox PARC):
Ambiguity management in grammar writing
.ps 18059 KB (sic!) /
.ps.gz 298 KB )
- Anne Abeillé, Marie-Hélène Candito, Alexandra Kinyon (Paris 7):
FTAG: developing and maintaining a wide-coverage grammar for French
.ps 483 KB /
.ps.gz 67 KB )
- Mark Dras, David Chiang, William Schuler (University of Pennsylvania):
A multi-level TAG approach to dependency
.ps 215 KB /
.ps.gz 56 KB )
- Philippe Blache (LPL-CNRS, Université de Provence):
Property grammars and the problem of constraint satisfaction
.ps 84 KB /
.ps.gz 32 KB )
- Liviu-Virgil Ciortuz (DFKI Saarbrücken):
Scaling up the abstract machine for unification of
OSF-terms to do head-corner parsing with typed unification
.ps 330 KB /
.ps.gz 123 KB )
Categorial grammar related approaches
- Aline Villavicencio (University of Cambridge, England):
The use of default unification in a system of lexical types
.ps 315 KB /
.ps.gz 80 KB )
- Julia Hockenmaier, Gann Bierner, Jason Baldridge (University of Edinburgh):
Providing robustness for a CCG system
.ps 178 KB /
.ps.gz 63 KB )
- Shravan Vasishth (Ohio State University)
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff (Charles University, Prague):
Processing as abduction + deduction: A sentence processing model
.ps 119 KB /
.ps.gz 46 KB )
Constituency and Linearization
- Stefan Müller (DFKI Saarbrücken):
Continuous or discontinuous constituents?
.ps 166 KB /
.ps.gz 57 KB )
- Frederik Fouvry, Detmar Meurers (Universität Tübingen):
Towards a platform for linearization grammars
.ps 107 KB /
.ps.gz 41 KB )
- Jesse Tseng (Universität Tübingen, University of Edinburgh):
Linearizing parentheticals in german: The limitations
of phrase structure
.ps 130 KB /
.ps.gz 46 KB )
- Jonathan Ginzburg, Howard Gregory, Shalom Lappin (King's College London):
A dialogue system for bare fragments
.ps 229 KB /
.ps.gz 64 KB )
- António Branco (Universidade de Lisboa):
Specification and verification of binding constraints:
An integrated account
.ps 1323 KB /
.ps.gz 698 KB )
- Carolyn Penstein Rosé (University of Pittsburgh):
Syntactic framework for semantic interpretation
.ps 156 KB /
.ps.gz 46 KB )
Shallow Pre-Processing
- Tzvetomira Venkova (St Kliment Ochridski University, Sofia):
A local grammar disambiguator of compound conjunctions
as a pre-processor for deep analysers
.ps 517 KB /
.ps.gz 75 KB )
List of contributors with contact information
.ps 22 KB /
.ps.gz 8 KB )
The proceedings are also available as an ESSLLI reader sold at the
summer school and electronically in the form of a gzipped tar-file with all postscript
All information concerning this workshop is available at
To obtain further information about ESSLLI'2000 please visit
In case of problems or for comments, please contact: dm@ling.ohio-state.edu
Last modified: Sun Oct 19 15:18:56 CEST 2008