ISCL Hauptseminar (Sommersemester 2008)
Detmar Meurers: Using Natural Language Processing to Foster Language Awareness in Second Language Learning
Complementing the general focus on communication and culture in
foreign language teaching, a growing body of research since the 90s
has established that awareness of language categories, forms and
rules is important for an adult learner to successfully acquire a
foreign language. Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) systems
could be one way to address this issue, but traditional CALL systems
lack the ability to analyze language and provide feedback or input
enhancement on that basis.
In this seminar we explore how natural language processing can be
used to identify and represent relevant linguistic properties to
overcome this shortcoming. The discussion of background and current
research papers will be combined with group projects extending a
prototype system (WERTi) that supports on-the-fly generation of
language awareness materials based on web pages selected by the
Topics and Issues:
- Introduction (Detmar):
- Awareness and noticing of linguistic categories and forms
- WERTi research: generating activities from authentic,
learner-selected texts
- Obtaining texts: How can learners obtain authentic texts a)
which they are interested in and thus motivated to read or work
with, and b) which are appropriate for the learner level? How can
one automatically measure `coherence', `complexity', `difficulty' of
a text?
- How can authentic text material be presented or turned into
- Which linguistic forms, categories, or structures are relevant
for language awareness in second language learning?
- Which type of presentation or interaction is effective (or
not) in fostering language awareness?
Petersen (2005)
- Examples/Experiments with language awareness activities
Matula (2007)
- Which of those linguistic phenomena or properties can be reliably
identified automatically? How, how reliably, and what impacts do
errors made by the NLP technology have?
- Which of those linguistic phenomena or properties, once
identified, can be turned into enhanced presentations or
activities? How reliably (e.g., which naturally occurring
passives can be transformed to active sentences to ask learner to
turn them back into the pragmatically appropriate original form)?
- In case of activities requiring learner input, what feedback
can automatically be provided to the learners for the
automatically generated activities?
- Related work:
- Lab:
- Introduction to Web programming using WERTi as example
- Extending WERTi with other text sources, text filtering,
linguistic targets, and activity types (Everyone)
- Possible extra credit project: reimplementing WERTi as
servlet using SPRING (or related) web framework and
UIMA backend.
I'm in contact with a lecturer in charge of teaching ESL classes
at OSU, who would be happy to try out our prototypes with actual
ESL learners.
- Thu, April 18.: Vorbesprechung
- Tue, April 22-May 6.:
- Thu, May 8.
- Fri, May 9. Python/ModPython Tutorial
- Tue/Thu, May 13/15. no class (Pfingstferien)
- Tue, May 20.
- Topic: Input Enhancement in Second Language Acquisition
Research (cont.)
- Presenter: Magdalena
- Reading: Sections 2 to end of Petersen (2005)
- Thu, May 22. no class (Fronleichnam)
- Fri, May 23. Python/ModPython Tutorial
- Tue, May 27.
- Thu, May 29.
- Fri, May 30. Python/ModPython Tutorial
- Tue, June 3.
- Thu, June 5.
- Topic: Automatic measurement of syntactic
complexity using the revised developmental scale
- Presenter: Tatiana
- Reading: Lu (under review,2008b)
- Fri, June 6. Python/ModPython Tutorial
- Tue, June 10-19. (Detmar in Columbus as ``local'' ACL co-organizer, so no class - that's why we always start class 30 minutes early)
- Tue, June 24.
- Thu, June 26.
- Tue, July 1.
- Thu, July 3.
- Tue, July 8.
- Thu, July 10.
- Tue, July 15.
- Thu, July 17.
Antoniadis, G., S. Echinard, O. Kraif, T. Lebarbé, M. Loiseau & C. Ponton
NLP-based scripting for CALL activities.
In E. H. Lothar Lemnitzer, Detmar Meurers (ed.), COLING 2004
eLearning for Computational Linguistics and Computational Linguistics for
eLearning. Geneva, Switzerland: COLING, pp. 18-25.
Bick, E. (2005a).
Grammar for Fun: IT-based Grammar Learning with VISL.
In P. Juel (ed.), CALL for the Nordic Languages,
Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur, Copenhagen Studies in Language, pp. 49-64.
Bick, E. (2005b).
Live use of Corpus data and Corpus annotation tools in CALL: Some
new developments in VISL.
In H. Holboe (ed.), Nordic Language Technology, Arbog for
Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004 (Yearbook 2004),
Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, pp. 171-186.
Breidt, E. & H. Feldweg (1997).
Accessing Foreign Languages with COMPASS.
Machine Translation 12(1-2), 153-174.
Special Issue on New Tools for Human Translators.
Burstein, J. & C. Leacock (eds.) (2005).
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Building Educational
Applications Using NLP. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Association for Computational
Church, K. & P. Hanks (1990).
Word Association Norms, Mutual Information, And Lexicography.
Computational Linguistics pp. 22-29.
Coniam, D. (1997).
A preliminary inquiry into using corpus word frequency data in the
automatic generation of English language cloze tests.
Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium 14(2-4),
Deane, P. & K. Sheehan (2003).
Automatic item generation via frame semantics.
Education Testing Service report.
Heilman, M., K. Collins-Thompson & M. Eskenazi (2008a).
An Analysis of Statistical Models and Features for Reading Difficulty
In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for
Building Educational Applications. Columbus, Ohio: Association for
Computational Linguistics.
Heilman, M., L. Zhao, J. Pino & M. Eskenazi (2008b).
Retrieval of Reading Materials for Vocabulary and Reading Practice.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for
Building Educational Applications. Columbus, Ohio: Association for
Computational Linguistics.
Huang, S.-M., C.-L. Liu & Z.-M. Gao (2005).
Computer-assisted item generation for listening cloze tests and
dictation practice in English.
In Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL. Proceedings of the
4th Int. Conference on Web-based Learning, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer,
no. 3583/2005 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Irvine, S. & P. Kyllonen (eds.) (2002).
Item Generation for Test Development.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kemper, S., K. Rice & Y.-J. Chen (1995).
Complexity metrics and growth curves for measuring grammatical
development from five to ten.
First Language 15, 151-166.
Kilgarriff, A. (2006).
Collocationaility (and how to measure it).
In Proceedings of EURALEX.
Kilgarriff, A., M. Husák, K. McAdam, M. Rundell & P. Rychlý (to appear in
GDEX: Automatically finding good dictionary examples in a corpus.
In Proceedings of EURALEX-08.
Kotani, K., T. Yoshimi, T. Kutsumi, I. Sata & H. Isahara (2008).
EFL Learner Reading Time Model for Evaluating Reading Proficiency.
In Proceedings of CICLING. Haifa, Israel.
Laufer, B. (2008).
Corpus-based versus Lexicographer Examples in Comprehension and
Production of New Words.
In T. Fontenelle (ed.), Practical Lexicography: A Reader,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 213-218.
First published 1992.
Liu, C.-L., C.-H. Wang & Z.-M. Gao (2005a).
Using lexical constraints for enhancing computer-generated
multiple-choice cloze items.
Int. Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language
Processing 10.
Liu, C.-L., C.-H. Wang, Z.-M. Gao & S.-M. Huang (2005b).
Applications of Lexical Information for Algorithmically Composing
Multiple-Choice Cloze Items.
In Burstein & Leacock (2005), pp. 1-8.
Lu, X. (2008a).
Automatic Measurement of Syntactic Complexity in Second Language
Slides of talk presented at the CALICO-08 Pre-Conference Workshop on
``Automatic Analysis of Learner Language: Bridging Foreign Language Teaching
Needs and NLP Possibilities''. San Francisco.
Lu, X. (2008b).
Automatic measurement of syntactic complexity using the revised
developmental scale.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Florida Artificial
Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-08). Coconut Grove, FL:
AAAI Press.
Lu, X. (under review).
Automatic measurement of syntactic complexity in child language
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics .
Matula, S. (2007).
Incorporating a Cognitive Linguistic Presentation of the Prepositions
'on', 'in' and 'at' in ESL Instruction: A quasi-experimental study.
Ph.D. thesis, Georgetown University.
Miltsakaki, E. & A. Troutt (2008).
Real Time Web Text Classification and Analysis of Reading Difficulty.
In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP
for Building Educational Applications. Columbus, Ohio: Association for
Computational Linguistics, pp. 89-97.
Nerbonne, J., D. Dokter & P. Smit (1998).
Morphological Processing and Computer-Assisted Language Learning.
Computer Assisted Language Learning 11(5), 543-559.
Nerbonne, J., L. Karttunen, E. Paskaleva, G. Proszeky & T. Roosmaa (1997).
Reading More Into Foreign Languages.
In Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing.
Washington Marriot Hotel, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 00-00.
Nerbonne, J. & P. Smit (1996).
GLOSSER-RuG: in Support of Reading.
In COLING96: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on
Computational Linguistics. Copenhagen: Center for Sprogteknologi, pp.
Petersen, K. (2005).
Input Enhancement in Second Language Acquisition Research: A Critical
Second Qualifying Paper, presented to The Department of Linguistics
at Georgetown University.
Sagae, K., A. Lavie & B. MacWhinney (2005).
Automatic measurement of syntactic development in child language.
In Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL-05). Ann Arbor, MI.
Sankó, G. (2006).
The Effects of Form- and Meaning-Focused Hypertextual Input
Modification on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention.
Ph.D. thesis, University of Debrecen, Hungary.
Scarborough, H. S. (1990).
Index of Productive Syntax.
Applied Psycholinguistics 11(1), 1-22.
Schwarm, S. & M. Ostendorf (2005).
Reading Level Assessment Using Support Vector Machines and
Statistical Language Models.
In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL'05). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Association for
Computational Linguistics, pp. 523-530.
Segler, T. M. (2007).
Investigating the Selection of Example Sentences for Unknown Target
Words in ICALL Reading Texts for L2 German.
Ph.D. thesis, Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems,
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
Sharoff, S., S. Kurella & A. Hartley (2008).
Seeking needles in the Web's haystack: Finding texts suitable for
language learners.
In Proceedings of the 8th Teaching and Language Corpora
Conference (TaLC-8). Lisbon, Portugal.
Shizuka, T. (1998).
The Effects of Stimulus Presentation Mode, Question Type, and Reading
Speed Incorporation on the Reliability/Validity of a Computer-based Sentence
Reading Test.
JACET Bulletin 29, 155-172.
Smith, S., S. Sommers & A. Kilgarriff (2008a).
Automatic cloze generation: getting sentences and distractors from
In Proceedings of the 8th Teaching and Language Corpora
Conference (TaLC 8). Lisbon.
Smith, S., S. Sommers & A. Kilgarriff (2008b).
Learning Words Right with the Sketch Engine and WebBootCat: Automatic
Cloze Generation from Corpora and the Web.
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of English
Teaching and Learning 2008 International Conference on English Instruction
and Assessment. Lisbon.
Sumita, E., F. Sugaya & S. Yamamoto (2005).
Measuring Non-native Speakers' Proficiency of English by Using a
Test with Automatically-Generated Fill-in-the-Blank Questions.
In Burstein & Leacock (2005), pp. 61-68.
Toole, J. & T. Heift (2001).
Generating Learning Content for an Intelligent Language Tutoring
In Proceedings of NLP-CALL Workshop at AI-ED. San Antonio,
Texas: 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education,
AI-ED, pp. 1-8.
Toole, J. & T. Heift (2002).
Task-Generator: A Portable System for Generating Learning Tasks for
Intelligent Language Tutoring Systems.
In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 02, World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Charlottesville, VA. AACE,
pp. 1972-1978.
Verlinde, S., T. Selva & J. Binon (2004).
ALFALEX, un environnement dâaide à lâapprentissage lexical du
français langue étrangère.
In Technologies de l'Information et de la Connaissance dans
l'Enseignement Supérieur et de l'Industrie (TICE 2004). Compiègne,
Università de Technologie de Compiègne. France.
Python References:
- Tutorials:
- Quick references:
- Manual:
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Detmar Meurers
- Email:
- Web:
- Office hours: Tuesdays 16:30-17:30 in Room 1.27 (Bloch Bau, Wilhelmstr. 19)
- Course: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 13:45st - 16 in Seminarraum 1.13 (Bloch
Bau, Wilhelmstr. 19)
- Lab: Fridays 13:00st-14:00 in the Computerpool (Bloch Bau,
second floor)
Course website:
Syllabus as PDF:
Course email: dm-ss08 (in the department network,
This email will reach everyone involved in the course.
Course server:
The department user ids of the seminar participants collected in the
Questionnaire will be added to a unix group which will have access to
this server for the web-server based Übungen. For security reasons,
you will get a separate home directory on this machine and access is
restricted to within the department net.
(In case you wonder about the machine name: ATICALL = Authentic Text
Anonymous feedback: If you have comments, complaints, or
ideas you'd like to send me anonymously, you can use the web form at to do so. Please send me
ordinary email for anything that you'd like to receive a reply
to--there really is no way for me to find out who sent us something
via the anonymous feedback form!
Nature of course and my expectations: This is a
research-oriented seminar, i.e., each participant is expected to take
an active role as a researcher. More concretely, each participant is
expected to
- regularly and actively participate in the class discussion (30%
of grade)
Note: Following the rules of the Neuphilologische Fakultät,
missing more than two course meetings unexcused, automatically
results in failing the class.
- explore and present a topic (30% of grade):
- select a topic, schedule a meeting with me to discuss with me
what you'll explore before the end of April
- thoroughly research it taking my literature pointers as a
starting point
- prepare the presentation with slides and discuss the
presentation with me at least a week before your presentation
- after our meeting, email the class what they should read to
prepare for your presentation at least a week before your
- present it in class
- read the papers assigned by me or the presenters and post a
question to the course list on each reading the day before it
is discussed in class. (10% of grade)
- work out a research idea or small software project related to
the topic of this seminar and write a short paper about it,
following the 8 page ACL paper style files and guidelines, to be
handed in no later than the end of September 08. (30% of
In terms of your time commitment, this means you should plan in about
two hours of preparation for each hour of class. You'll need this time
to properly do the general readings, research your specific topic,
Academic conduct and misconduct:
Research is driven by discussion and free exchange of ideas,
motivations, and perspectives. So you are encouraged to work in
groups, discuss, and exchange ideas. At the same time, the foundation
of the free exchange of ideas is that everyone is open about where
they obtained which information. Concretely, this means you are
expected to always make explicit when you've worked on something as a
team - and keep in mind that being part of a team always means
sharing the work! For text you write, you always have to provide
explicit references for any ideas or passages you reuse from somewhere
else. Note that this includes text ``found'' on the web, where you
should cite the url of the web site in case no more official
publication is available.
Related to this, university rules require every document you submit
for a grade to be accompanied by the following signed statement:
Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorgelegte Arbeit selbstständig
und nur mit den angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmitteln einschlieÃlich
des www und anderer elektronischer Quellen angefertigt habe. Alle
Stellen der Arbeit, die ich anderen Werken dem Wortlaut oder dem
Sinne nach entnommen habe, sind kenntlich gemacht.
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Detmar Meurers