Prof. Dr. Walt Detmar Meurers
Focus in German: Towards a Corpus-based study


Kordula De Kuthy and Detmar Meurers


Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2010.


The nature of the integration of a sentence into the discourse can provide an explanation for constraints previously stipulated in syntax (cf., e.g., Cook, 2001; De Kuthy, 2002; De Kuthy and Meurers, 2003). However, to explore this line of research, one needs an explicit understanding and representation of the interaction of syntax and information structure.


In this abstract reporting work in progress, we contribute to the empirical evidence relating to focus projection in German by studying production. We explore where spoken language corpora can provide empirical evidence for or against the different conceptualizations of focus projection. Complementing the work on corpora collected by Project D2 of the SFB 632 using the QUIS questionnaire eliciting data from informants, we investigate authentic utterances found in already existing, intonationally annotated corpora.



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  • Paper: pdf (235.453 bytes)
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Bibtex entry:

   author = 	 {Kordula De Kuthy and Detmar Meurers},
   title = 	 {Focus in German: Towards a Corpus-based study},
   booktitle =   {Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2010},
   address =     {Tübingen},
   pages =       {128--132},
   year = 	 {2010},
   url =         {}