(You can also check out the FIT research data base of the university.)
Current Projects:
- WoLKE – Wo bieten KI-Methoden
Lösungen für fachdidaktische Herausforderungen?
Computerlinguistisch fundierte Konzeption und Evaluation curricular
verankerter Lehrveranstaltungen für die Sprach- und
MWK Baden-Württemberg, 12/2023 – 11/2026
- Innovation Fund Cluster "ML in Education" as part of the Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science Cluster of Excellence. 2021-2024.
- Herz Foundation Project "Adaptive digital Learning in Economics Education". Cooperation with Ulf Brefeld (Leuphana University Lüneburg), Dirk Loerwald, Michael Koch (IÖB Oldenburg). 1/3/2021-31/7/2024.
- AIM Project "AITeach Individuelle Förderung auf der Basis eines erweiterten digitalen Lehr-Lern-Konzepts für den Fremdsprachenunterricht . Cooperation with Ulrich Trautwein, and Benjamin Nagengast of the Hector Institut for Education Sciences and Psychology, and Josef Schrader of the Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE). 06/2020-05/2026.
- LEAD Graduate School and Research Network. Head of Core Research Area 1: Language and Education.
since 2012
Completed Projects:
- BMBF Project Interact4School:
Individualized learning and the interfaces to school: Effective digital practicing as a basis for competence-oriented foreign language teaching". Cooperation with Ulrich Trautwein and Benjamin Nagengast of the Hector Institut for Education Sciences and Psychology and Torben Schmidt of the Leuphana University Lüneburg. 04/2020-03/2023.
- Bosch Foundation Project "DigBinDiff. Digital Differentiation: Integrating linguistic and cognitive measures to foster adaptive learning". Cooperation with Caterina Gawrilow of the Department of Psychology. 10/2019-03/2023.
- Leibniz SAW Project "COLD: Competencies of school teachers and adult educators in teaching German as a second language in linguistically diverse classrooms". Collaborative project led by
the Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE). 04/2019-03/2022.
- BMBF Project "KANSAS: Competence-adaptive, user-oriented search engine for authentic language learning materials". Cooperation with the Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE) - Abteilung Lehren, Lernen, Beraten and the Mercator-Institut für Sprachförderung und Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Universität zu Köln. 09/2017-12/2023.
- SFB 833 Project
Comparing Meaning in Context (CoMiC): Components of a shallow semantic analysis. 2008-2021.
- DFG Project "FeedBook: Developing an interactive workbook for English foreign language teaching: Integrating state-of-the-art form and meaning assessment from computational linguistics into a current workbook for the Gymnasium", SFB 833/T1, 10/2016-09/2019.
- DFG Project "COALLA: Linguistic form and meaning in a COmputational Analysis of Learner LAnguage. On the integration of morpho-syntactic and semantic analysis [Linguistische Form und Bedeutung in einer computerlinguistischen Analyse von Lernersprache -- Zur Integration von morphosyntaktischer und semantischer Analyse]", ME 1447/2-1, 08/2014-1/2019.
- DFG/NEH Project "LangBank: Digital Infrastructure to Support the Study of Latin and Historical German", ME 1447/3-1, 2015-2018.
DFG Research Network: Individualized language learning: computational linguistic approaches and their interfaces [Individualisiertes Sprachlernen: Sprachtechnologische Ansätze und ihre Schnittstellen] ( DFG project page, led by Torsten Zesch)
- The Education First-Cambridge Learner Corpus: a data-driven approach to second language learning
as External consultant for Cambridge University.
- Oahpa!
as Professor II consultant at the Universitet i Tromsø
- LEAD Intramural Research Grant "Linking linguistic and cognitive measures of text complexity". Joint project with Sowmya Vajjala and Katharina Scheiter. 2013-2015.
- LEAD Intramural Research Grant "Reading Demands in Hauptschule and Gymnasium:
A Comparison of the Linguistic Complexity of Schoolbook Texts". Joint project with Karin Berendes, Sowmya Vajjala and Doreen Bryant. 2013-2014.
- Kobalt-DaF
DFG Research Network: Annotation and Analysis of Learner Essays. Converging perspectives on a written corpus of German as a Foreign Language [Annotation und Analyse argumentativer Lernertexte. Konvergierende Zugänge zu einem schriftlichen Korpus des Deutschen als Fremdsprache] (ZI 1204/1-1, led by Heike Zinsmeister)
Project 6A: Connecting ICALL Research and Development to Foreign Language Teaching Needs
Multilingual Platform for the European Reference Levels: Interlanguage Exploration in Context
EU Lifelong Learning project 518989-LLP-1-2011-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP
Visual Input Enhancement of the Web
Bridging the Gap between Research in Natural Language Processing and Individualized Language Instruction
Working with English Real Texts
- NSF Project DECCA
Detection of Errors and Correct in Corpus Annotation
Constraint-based Grammar: Data, Theory, and Implementation
BMBF Project Grammar Formalisms and Parsing
In the consortium Media-Intensive Teaching Modules in the Computational Linguistics Curriculum
OSU Seed Grant From Corpus Resources to Linguistic Phenomena: Using Computational Linguistics
Tools to Access Relevant Data for Linguistics
OSU Seed Grant Updating a Grammar Implementation Environment
- DFG Projects B4 and B8 of the SFB 340