Prof. Dr. Walt Detmar Meurers

cf. also my profile on Google Scholar


Note: The electronic versions of the publications linked on this page are the last versions I had the copyright for. Where a publisher copyedited or typeset the papers, the electronic copies linked here are NOT identical to the officially published version, which should be used for any quotes, references to page numbers, etc.


2025/to appear


Journal articles


  • Katharina Wendebourg, Birgit Öttl, Detmar Meurers, and Barbara Kaup: Semantic information boosts the acquisition of a novel grammatical system in different presentation formats. Language and Cognition. accepted.


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


  • Heiko Holz, Katharina Wendebourg, Ines Pieronczyk, Stephen Bodnar, Detmar Meurers, Cora Parrisius (2015, to appear): Design and User Preferences of Pedagogical Agents for an Intelligent Tutoring System for EFL. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer.


  • Hannah Deininger, Cora Parrisius, Rosa Lavelle-Hill, Detmar Meurers, Ulrich Trautwein, Benjamin Nagengast and Gjergji Kasneci (2015, to appear): Who Did What to Succeed? Individual Differences in Which Learning Behaviors Are Linked to Achievement. Proceedings of the 15th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference






  • Glass, Lelia, Dickinson, Markus, Brew, Chris & Meurers, Detmar (2024). Language and computers. (Textbooks in Language Sciences 14). Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12730906


Journal articles


  • Deininger, H., Pieronczyk, I., Parrisius, C., Plumley, R. D., Meurers, D., Kasneci, G., Nagengast, B.,Trautwein, U., Greene, J. A., & Bernacki, M. L. (2024). Using theory-informed learning analytics to understand how homework behavior predicts achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology.


  • Bear, E., Chen, X., Souto, D. V., Ribeiro-Flucht, L., Rudzewitz, B., & Meurers, D. (2024). Designing a task-based conversational agent for EFL in German schools: Student needs, actions, and perceptions. System, 126, 103460.


  • Leifheit, L., Loefflad, D., Belschner, S., Beuttler, B. , Winkelmann, J., Meurers, D., Holz, H. (2024): KI im Unterricht – Entwicklung von Lehrveranstaltungen für Lehramtsstudierende der Sprach- und MINT-Fächer. Ludwigsburger Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik – LBzM 24, 1–19.


Peer reviewed articles in edited volumes


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


  • Colling, L., Kholin, M., & Meurers, D. (2024). A Learning Analytics Dashboard for K-12 English Teachers-Bridging the Gap Between Student Process Data and Teacher Needs. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 538-548).




Journal articles


Peer reviewed articles in books




Journal articles


  • Chen, X., Meurers, D., & Rebuschat, P. (2022). ICALL offering individually adaptive input: Effects of complex input on L2 development. Language Learning & Technology, 26(1), 1–21.

  • De Kuthy K, Kannan M, Santhi Ponnusamy H and Meurers D (2022) Exploring neural question generation for formal pragmatics: Data set and model evaluation. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5:966013. doi: 10.3389/frai.2022.966013

  • Weiss, Z., Lange-Schubert, K., Geist, B. & Meurers, D. (2022). Sprachliche Komplexität im Unterricht. Eine computerlinguistische Analyse der gesprochenen Sprache von Lehrenden und Lernenden im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht in der Primar- und Sekundarstufe [Linguistic complexity in the classroom. A computational-linguistic analysis of the spoken language of teachers and learners in science education in primary and secondary schools] Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 50 (1).

Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


  • Chen, X., Bear, E., Hui, B., Santhi-Ponnusamy, H., Meurers, D. (2022). Education Theories and AI Affordances: Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Computer Assisted Language Learning System. In: Rodrigo, M.M., Matsuda, N., Cristea, A.I., Dimitrova, V. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners’ and Doctoral Consortium. AIED 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13356. Springer, Cham.


  • Heck, T., & Meurers, D. (2022). Parametrizable exercise generation from authentic texts: Effectively targeting the language means on the curriculum. Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2022), 154-166.


  • Weiss, Z., & Meurers, D. (2022). Assessing sentence readability for German language learners with broad linguistic modeling or readability formulas: When do linguistic insights make a difference?. In Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2022) (pp. 141-153).




Journal articles


  • Riemenschneider, A., Weiss, Z., Schröter, P., & Meurers, D. (2021). Linguistic complexity in teachers' assessment of German essays in high stakes testing. Assessing Writing, 50, 100561.


  • Weiss, Z., Meurers, D. (2021). Analyzing the linguistic complexity of German learner language in a reading comprehension task: Using proficiency classification to investigate short answer data, cross-data. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 7 (1), 83-130.


  • Holz, H., Meurers, D. (2021). Interaction Styles in Context: Comparing Drag-and-Drop, Point-and-Touch, and Touch in a Mobile Spelling Game. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-16.


  • Andreessen, L. M., Gerjets, P., Meurers, D., Zander, T. O (2021). Toward neuroadaptive support technologies for improving digital reading: a passive BCI-based assessment of mental workload imposed by text difficulty and presentation speed during reading. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. 31, 76-104.


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


  • De Kuthy, K., Kannan, M., Ponnusamy, H. S., & Meurers, D. (2021). Advancing Neural Question Generation for Formal Pragmatics: Learning when to generate and when to copy. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Integrating Perspectives on Discourse Annotation (pp. 31-40).


  • Kannan, M., Ponnusamy, H. S., De Kuthy, K., Stein, L., & Meurers, D. (2021). Exploring Input Representation Granularity for Generating Questions Satisfying Question-Answer Congruence. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (pp. 24-34).


  • Dawidowsky, K., Holz, H., Schwerter, J., Pieronczyk, I., & Meurers, D. (2021). Development and Evaluation of a Tablet-Based Reading Fluency Test for Primary School Children. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 1-17).


  • Santhi Ponnusamy, H., Meurers, D. (2021). Employing distributional semantics to organize task-focused vocabulary learning. Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications.


  • Weiss, Z., Chen, X., Meurers, D. (2021). Using broad linguistic complexity modeling for crosslingual readability assessment. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2021). Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 177: 38–54.


  • Quixal, M., Rudzewitz, B., Bear, E., & Meurers, D. (2021). Automatic annotation of curricular language targets to enrich activity models and support both pedagogy and adaptive systems. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2021). Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 177: 38–54.


  • Chatzipanagiotidis, S., Giagkou, M., Meurers, D. (2021). Broad Linguistic Complexity Analysis for Greek Readability Classification. Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications.


Handbook articles




Journal articles


  • Gabriella Daroczy, Detmar Meurers, Jürgen Heller, Magdalena Wolska, Hans-Christoph Nuerk (2020). The Interaction of Linguistic and Arithmetic Factors Affects Adult Performance on Arithmetic Word Problems. Cognitive Processing. 21 (1), 105-125.


  • Maria Chinkina, Simón Ruiz, Detmar Meurers (2020). Crowdsourcing evaluation of the quality of automatically generated questions for supporting computer-assisted language teaching ReCALL 32 (2), 145-161.


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


Peer reviewed articles in books




Journal articles


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


Peer reviewed articles in books


Other Articles




Journal articles


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings




Journal articles


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


Peer reviewed articles in books



Journal articles


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings



Journal articles


Handbook articles


Other publications



Journal articles


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


Peer reviewed articles in books


  • Detmar Meurers, Julia Krivanek and Serhiy Bykh: On the Automatic Analysis of Learner Corpora: Native Language Identification as Experimental Testbed of Language Modeling between Surface Features and Linguistic Abstraction. Diachrony and Synchrony in English Corpus Studies edited by Alexandro Alcaraz Sintes and Salvador Valera. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 285-314.


  • Michael Hahn and Detmar Meurers: "On deriving semantic representations from dependencies: A practical approach for evaluating meaning in learner corpora". Dependency Theory edited by Kim Gerdes, Eva Hajičová and Leo Wanner. Frontiers in AI and Applications Series. IOS Press, Amsterdam.


  • Julia Krivanek and Detmar Meurers: "Comparing Rule-Based and Data-Driven Dependency Parsing of Learner Language". Dependency Theory edited by Kim Gerdes, Eva Hajičová and Leo Wanner. Frontiers in AI and Applications Series. IOS Press, Amsterdam.


Peer reviewed articles based on project collaboration


  • Andrea Abel, Katrin Wisniewski, Lionel Nicolas, Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Detmar Meurers: A Trilingual Learner Corpus Illustrating European Reference Levels . RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista di lingue, letterature e cultura moderne. 2 (1), 111-126.


  • Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Lionel Nicolas, Detmar Meurers, Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel, Karin Schöne, Barbora Štindlová, Chiara Vettori: The MERLIN corpus: Learner language and the CEFR. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).


  • Koenraad De Smedt, Erhard Hinrichs, Detmar Meurers, Inguna Skadina, Bolette Pedersen, Costanza Navarretta, Núria Bel, Krister Linden, Marketa Lopatkova, Jan Hajic, Gisle Andersen, Przemyslaw Lenkiewicz: CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).



Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings





Peer reviewed articles in books


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings


Peer reviewed conference abstracts



Journal articles


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings



Journal articles


Peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings



Journal articles


Peer reviewed chapters in edited books


  • Detmar Meurers and Stefan Müller: "Corpora and Syntax". Chapter 42 in Lüdeling, A. and Kytö, M. Corpus Linguistics. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK), Volume 2. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2009.



Journal articles


Peer reviewed conference proceedings




Journal articles


Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Peer reviewed chapters in edited books


Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Journal articles


Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Journal articles


Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Books and journal issues


Peer reviewed chapters in edited books


  • Tibor Kiss & Detmar Meurers. Introduction to Constraint-Based Approaches to Germanic Syntax. Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism. Stanford: CSLI Publications.


  • Detmar Meurers & Kordula De Kuthy: "Case Assignment in Partially Fronted Constituents". Christian Rohrer, Antje Rossdeutscher and Hans Kamp (Eds.): Linguistic Form and its Computation. Stanford: CSLI Publications.


Journal articles


Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Peer reviewed chapters in edited books


Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Peer reviewed conference proceedings




Other publications



Peer reviewed chapters in edited books


  • Kordula De Kuthy & Detmar Meurers: Incomplete Category Fronting in German without Remnant Movement . In: B. Schröder Computers, Linguistics, and Phontetics between Language and Speech (Proceedings of KONVENS 98). Frankfurt a.M.:Lang.


  • Detmar Meurers: German Partial-VP Fronting Revisited. In: Gert Webelhuth, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and Andreas Kathol (eds.): Lexical and Constructional Aspects of Linguistic Explanation, CSLI. (revised version of the paper presented at the 3rd Int. Conference on HPSG, Marseille, May 1996)


  • Detmar Meurers & Guido Minnen: Off-line Constraint Propagation for Efficient HPSG Processing. In Gert Webelhuth, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and Andreas Kathol (eds.): Lexical and Constructional Aspects of Linguistic Explanation, CSLI. (revised version of the paper presented at the 3rd Int. Conference on HPSG, joint session with TALN, Marseille, May 1996)


  • Thilo Götz & Detmar Meurers: The importance of being lazy - Using lazy evaluation to process queries to HPSG grammars. In: Gert Webelhuth, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and Andreas Kathol (eds.): Lexical and Constructional Aspects of Linguistic Explanation, CSLI. (revised version of the paper presented at the 3rd Int. Conference on HPSG, joint session with TALN, Marseille, May 1996)


Peer reviewed conference proceedings



Journal articles


Peer reviewed conference proceedings


Other publications



Peer reviewed conference proceedings


  • Detmar Meurers: German Partial-VP Fronting Revisited - Back to Basics. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on HPSG, May 1996, Marseille, France.
    ( .ps / .ps.gz / .dvi / .dvi.gz )


  • Detmar Meurers & Guido Minnen: Off-line Constraint Propagation for Efficient HPSG Processing. In: Proceedings of TALN 96 (joint session with the Third International Conference on HPSG). May 1996, Marseille, France.
    ( .ps / .ps.gz / .dvi / .dvi.gz )


  • Thilo Götz & Detmar Meurers: The importance of being lazy - Using lazy evaluation to process queries to HPSG grammars. In: Proceedings of TALN 96 (joint session with the Third International Conference on HPSG). May 1996, Marseille, France.
    ( .ps / .ps.gz / .dvi / .dvi.gz )



Peer reviewed conference proceedings





Other publications


  • Detmar Meurers: A modified view of the German verbal complex Handout of a talk given on 7. October 1994 at the HPSG Workshop in Heidelberg, Germany.
    ( .ps / .ps.gz )



Other publications


  • Detmar Meurers & Frank Morawietz: An Alternative Approach to ID/LP - SUP Grammars. Paper presented at the 1st International Workshop on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar held in Columbus, Ohio
    ( .ps / .ps.gz / bibtex entry )



Other publications


  • Detmar Meurers: A graphical notation for HPSG-style sort hierarchies.


    • A six page description of the notation
      ( .ps / .ps.gz )


    • A graphical representation of the signature defined in the appendix of Pollard and Sag (1994).
      Since for some obscure reason, the postscript-file doesn't print on certain printers, there are two versions: one which works on the Apple Laserwriter and possibly on other printers ( .ps / .ps.gz ), and a second for those printers on which nothing happens when the first file is printed ( .ps / .ps.gz ).